Got Cabin Fever? Try these free, online remedies:
Got the munchies?
- Mammoth Lakes area restaurants offering take-out & delivery can be found on this facebook page.
- Benton Station Cafe is currently open from 7am - 2pm for take out only. The kitchen will close at 1:00. The gas station is open 24 hours when using a card. (760)-933-2231
- NEW! Walker Coffee Company is currently open Thurs-Monday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. for take out or pick up if you call ahead at 530-495-1888. Lunch bowls, take & bake pizza, breakfast items, coffee etc
- Sierra Wave's list of Eastern Sierra restaurants offering delivery &/or takeout
Young Children and Families:
- NEW! J.K. Rowling is publishing a new book titled The Ickabog online in installments over the next 7 weeks. "It's not Harry Potter and doesn't contain magic."
- Local: Via Mammoth Library's Facebook Page, Mono County Library is offering regular 10.30 a.m. storytimes each weekday starting. Open to anyone in the Eastern Sierra!!!
- Cooked Playdough RecipeCooked Playdough Recipe from March 23rd Episode
- Local: Mono County Libraries Reading Resources for Children
- Local: Mono County's Trails to Literacy Early Learning App--a free early literacy tool for Mono County residents
- Local: Mono County Libraries' Makerspace is offering easy maker activities on their Instagram account each Tuesday, Wed, Thurs & Saturday afternoon. Follow @mammothmakerspace
- Local: Mono County Library is offering a 20 minute Read Aloud for 8-12 yr olds Monday-Friday at 1 p.m. via the Mammoth Lakes Library Facebook Page.
- Lunch Doodle with Mo Willems: Every Monday at 1 p.m. Eastern Time/10 a.m. Pacific Time - Popular children's author and Kennedy Center Education Artist-in-Residence is hosting a free "Lunch Doodle" video stream of Mo drawing.
- @macbarnett -- Popular children's author and illustrator Mac Barnett (see his funny TED Talk) reads a book every day at Noon PST on his Instagram Live! Follow him on Instagram for details.
- Romper's #OperationStoryTime hashtag on Twitter and Instagram brings more children's authors & illustrators to read their books on social media.
- NASA Astronaut Christina Koch is reading a story at 1 pm each afternoon on her Instagram Account.
- Dolly Parton's new weekly "Goodnight With Dolly" story time Thursdays at 4 p.m. PST
- NEW! Michelle Obama is partnering with PBS Kids to offer a handful of read-alouds to young children through May
- Scholastic's Learn at Home free online "day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking and growing.
- PBSKids Cat In the Hat Games & Projects - including in Spanish.
- Children's Literature resources including storytime activities, author blogs and more.
- Spanish Children's Stories - cuentos infantiles españolescuentos infantiles españoles - click on 'Read More' to listen & read!
- Coloring Activities and Games from PBSKids
- California Museum's State Symbols coloring book
- YouTube's Art for Kids channel
- National Geographic Kids Page with many free games, videos, and articles.
- Ranger Rick is making it's online magazine and activities free to anyone through June.
- Simon & Schuster Publishing's "Read & Learn" site of home activities, storytimes and projects.
- Explore historical Children's Books online from the British Library
- NEW! Wide Open School compiles free online learning resources for kids of all ages, curated by Common Sense.
- NEW! has numerous free online crafts and activities for kids to do at home.
- NEW! TED Ed's Earth School: 30 quests for students around the world to celebrate, explore and connect with nature.
Young People and Adults:
- Local:Mammoth Lakes Library Facebook Page will launch brief Facebook Live series for young adults and adults, including basic maker activities you can do with household items and book talks, readings and discussions.
- Local: Mono County's Behavioral Health Facebook Page is also hosting various Facebook Live events to keep you engaged and connected!
- Local: Mono County Libraries Reading Resources for Young Adults
- Teen Literature resources including author interviews, book summaries, and more
- Local:The Oxygen Starved Podcast - Adventure, Books & Conversation from 11,000 Feet. Co-produced & hosted by Mono County Office of Education and Mono County Libraries.
- Local: Order a book you've been meaning to read for the library -- delivered to you to read first, then return it to your local Mono County Library when we reopen!
- Local:"Quarantivity of the Day" is a new daily activity recommendation posted by Mammoth Lakes Parks and Recreation on their Facebook page.
- California State Parks PORTS Distance Learning Program has all sorts of California related learning opportunities for the home.
Cultural rabbit holes:
- NEW! Another set of Smithsonian Collection's coloring book pages to download from the Color Our Collections Project.
- Local: Mono Arts Council Facebook Page is posting regular online art resources!
- Local: LA-based Artist Eric Junker has a free downloadable coloring book - locals will recognize his art for the Keep Long Valley Green compaign and the office of Mammoth Lakes Recreation.
- 12 World-Class Museums You Can Visit Online - from MentalFloss
- Free downloadable coloring books based on archival collections from the New York Public Library, The Smithsonian Libraries, and others
- Take the Getty Museum Challenge and post your interpretation of a famous work of art using just 3 things from your home.
- Local: June Lake Jam Fest Facebook page is posting regular online music events
- #SongsOfComfort is the hashtage of cellist Yo-Yo Ma's twitter,youtube, facebook and instagram movement to spread short videos of music to comfort people, view or contribute your own with the hashtag!
- NPR's Where to Stream Live Virtual Concerts During the Coronavirus Shutdown
- Billboard Magazine's Here Are All the Live Streams and Virtual Concerts to Watch During Coronavirus
- The Boot's These Country Music Podcasts Will Keep You Entertained While Your Quarantined
- StayAtHomeFest online music festival and events calendar
- The Metropolitan Opera is streaming a new opera every night from their catalog of recorded performances
- The Royal Opera House is offering free videos of their opera performances during the pandemic.
- The 50 Greatest Rock Memoirs of All Time from Rolling Stone
- Instagram Virtual Dance Party
- DJ D-Nice hosts virtual dance parties on his Instagram account
- The Royal Opera House is offering free online videos of ballet performances during the pandemic.
Learn something new!
- thunkable's Learning Computer Science at Home. (some free stuff also paid options)
- Project Learning Tree has many free activities you can do in your own backyard--scroll down to the free resources section.
- Do Space's STEAM Activities to Keep Your Kiddos Busy
- Kahn Academy - free online courses for anyone, anywhere
- - Massive Open Online Courses - online college courses (from Harvard, MIT & More) free to anyone!
- San Francisco Exploratorium's Explore, Play, Discover: Websites, Activities and More
- The site has a dizzying array of calculators that help you understand how to spend time, money & effort. Want to read more books? If you convert 50 minutes of social media time a day to reading you could finish 61 more books this year!
- #ShareAFactNoOneAskedFor is a recent social media hashtag of random trivia
- The Monterey Bay Aquarium has a variety of free online activities and webcams
- The Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berkeley has created a variety of free online learning activities and games
- NEW! AP Fact Check - journalists with the Associated Press remove spin from the news in a fast moving information environment
- NEW! - a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center
- NEW! - an organization that strives to show side by side takes on current topics from different media outlets to show media bias
- NEW! Poynter International Fact-Checking Network list of fact checker sites that have signed its Code of Principles
Armchair Traveling
- NEW! Local: Travel Guide Travels with Jane and Carole
- Webcams from the National Park Service
- NEW! Animal webcams from
- Keep up to date on what's up across the mountains in Yosemite National Park
- Outsideonline from Outside Magazine
- Lonely Planet YouTube Channel
- MarineTraffic has a map that lets you track all the ships at sea globally in real time
- SharkTracker connects to a variety of sites that do the same for sharks!
- Tracking Social Distancing via mobile phone trackers-an article from Vox on fine line between helping stop a pandemic and personal privacy.
- Local: Tales Along El Camino Sierra Youtube Page
- Explore historical treasures from the British Library
- provides advice from old books on topics ranging from How to Remove Wrinkles to How to Survive a Mermaid Attack.
- Digitized Collections of the Library of Congress
- Digitized Collections of the National Museum of American History
- California Historical Society's online collections
- The U.S. National Archives
Reading & Writing & Storytelling
- NEW! Local: June Lake's Carole Lester shares some diet cookbooks to help keep that #StayHomeMono cooking on the right track.
- NEW! Local: June Lake's Carole Lester discusses some 'short reads' picks for folks who have lost their reading muscle in the last two months.
- NEW! Local: June Lake's Carole Lester discusses some of her favorite long reads to sink into.
- Local: Library staff share what they're reading this during this unique time
- BookRiot has assembled a list of Spring's Book Festivals and Events you can attend from home
- Local: Sorting While Sheltering -Sci-Fi Favorites from June Lake Library's Carole Lester and her father
- Local: Sorting While Sheltering -Gammie's Favorites - June Lake Library's Carole Lester and her mother go through her collection
- 50 Best Contemporary Novels Over 500 Pages from LitHub
- 14 Days of Self Write-solation from the Writer's HQ. A British based organization, a bit tongue-in-cheek in their approach, with numerous free resources to help you focus on writing that novel you know you have in you.
- has a wealth of poems and you can sign up for a free Poem a Day email!
- Scribophile is an online writing workshop with many free resources, including critiques.
- Local: Mono County Libraries' Reading Resources for Adults includes websites, podcasts and links to online books and audiobooks.
- Local: Mono County Libraries' link to online magazines (library card required)
- Penguin Random House Publishing's #BooksConnectUs Live online author events--new events weekly.
- The Moth has a weekly storytelling activity under "Home Schooled With the Moth"
- The Academy of American Poets shares a Poem A Day.
- School Library Journal's list of free web comics to keep kids and teens engaged
- Poets House has numerous free live stream poetry events scheduled, including one with US Poet Laureate Joy Harjo at 9 a.m. PST Wed, April 29th.
Crowdsourcing projects that need your help
- How to Help Librarians and Archivists From Your Living Room - a short list of crowdsourcing projects you can contribute to compiled by AtlasObscura
- is "people powered research" and has projects for whatever interests you from the arts to climate to history to nature to space!
Staying Fit for All Ages
- NEW!'s "Best Exercises and Workout Ideas to Stay Active"
- USA Today compiled a list of 10 free Instagram Live workouts
- T3 has compiled a list of free online exercise programs (FYI read closely, some are just extended free trials)
- Greater Good Berkeley is an online resource for exercising mindfulness, kindness and happiness
- Go Noodles Good Energy at Home for kids and adults to be active and mindful at home.
- NEW! Cosmic Kids Yoga youtube channel for family yoga at home
- NEW! Parents Against Vaping provides information on vaping in young people and concerns about vaping and COVID-19
Contribute back!
- Local: Info on donating or volunteering for a local foodbank or food delivery service can be found through he Community Local Resources page of County's Coronavirus Response site.
- Local: Mammoth Mountain Community Foundation's Personal Protective Equipment drive - details on how you can donate or volunteer.
- Local: #StayHomeMono is the County's Instagram campaign to promote staying home during this time, upload and tag your photo!
- Complete your household's 2020 Census online if you haven't already - this will take 10-15 minutes. We rely on accurate Census counts for representation, funding and strategic planning!
- How to Help Animal Shelters During the Coronavirus Emergency from The Cut
- 7 Ways to Help Others During Coronavirus Outbreak from Woman's Day.
- #IStayHomeFor Instagram hashtag started by Kevin Bacon to celebrate individuals and families staying home during this time.
- University of Michigan Health's Feeling Helpless About the Coronavirus? Ten Things You Can Do