
The MonoBookBox offers young, independent readers a chance to pick up a FREE monthly box full of surprises! Inside you’ll find 1-2 hand-selected library books, goodies according to the monthly theme and a tasty treat.

The Spring 2025 MonoBookBox season is open!

Sign up today and pick up your box the following month.

The Spring 2025 season includes February, March & April. If you forget to pick up two MonoBookBoxes in a row, we'll assume you no longer wish to participate and give your spot to someone else on the waiting list.  

How does it work?

1. Complete your local MonoBookBox Form by the 25th of the month. Let us know a bit about you – your home library, your reading level & what you think makes a good story. This will help the Mono County librarians select a book that should be a good fit for you.

2. Pick up your MonoBookBox from the library at which you signed up between the 1st and 5th of the following month (we’ll send you a reminder email). For example, Sign-up by October 25th and pick up your box between November 1-5th (if you sign up after October 25th, your first box may not be ready until December 1st). The MonoBookBox & the books will be checked-out to you, so be sure to return them. You may keep the other items in the box – that is, the goodies & the tasty treats. While you may renew the books if you need more time to finish reading them, it is important that you return the box within 2 weeks so that we have them back in time to get them ready for the next month!

3. Once you’re signed up, we’ll continue to make a MonoBookBox for the rest of the season. You'll also get first dibs for the following season.  If you wish to discontinue at any time, just send Katie an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and we'll remove your name from the list.  This will open up your spot for someone else. 

If you sign up for a MonoBookBox and don’t pick it up, we’ll give you a call or send an email to remind you. However, if you do not pick up your MonoBookBox for two months in a row, we’ll assume that you no longer wish to receive the box and remove you from our list.  At this point, we may offer your spot to another participant, so be sure to remember to grab your box if you'd like to stay in the program! 

Please reach out to the Mono County Library Staff, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with any questions.


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