Looking for a good book to read? Check out these listings of recommended book websites and podcasts.




  • The Librarian Is In - the New York Public Library's podcast about books, culture, and what to read next. 
  • The BookRiot Podcast - a weekly news and talk show about what's new, cool and worth talking about in the world of books and reading from the Editors of BookRiot.com.
  • Overdue - a podcast about the books you've been meaning to read.


For sites for Young Readers, check out the book lists and reading sites under Children or Young Adults.

e books

The Mono County Library offers fiction, non-fiction and kids books in audio & eBook formats on several sites. Additional sites offer magazines, the New York Times, and videos. You will need your 14 digit Mono County Library card number to access these collections.

     LIBBY (Library to Go)

  • Download audiobooks, ebooks, and magazines from Library to Go or use the Libby app
  • Mono County Library patrons have Libby access to the NorthNet Library Consortium, Peninsula Library System (PLS) and MARINet. Directions to add these can be found here -- Libby Add Libraries
  • You can also access Library to Go directly from the Mono County Library Catalog using these steps. IF we do not have the book in our county-wide catalog, KOHA will let you know if it is available through this other source automatically.

    HooplaStreaming Video and Audiobooks from HOOPLA Digital Library

    • Movies, documentaries, TV shows, audiobooks, comics & more
    • Enjoy up to 4 titles per month.
    • Most items require internet or wifi to allow for streaming.

NYTNew York Times

Enjoy daily library access to NYTimes.com, including the “California Today” section, from your home, school, work, or on the go!

  • Click this NY Times link and follow the instructions to create an account or login using your existing account.
  • Enjoy unlimited access to the NYTimes inside any of our 7 county libraries: Benton, Bridgeport, Coleville, Crowley Lake, June Lake, Lee Vining, or Mammoth Lakes or from your own digital devices.
  • Complimentary on-the-go remote access is provided in 72-hour increments. Use the link above to refresh the code after each 3 day window.
  • This program is made possible by Mono County Library, California State Library, and The New York Times.
  • The New York Times has created these two videos for help learning how to use it:
  • From home, school, office or other offsite location:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jMQmxd1BOM
  • From within a Mono County Library: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAQNXyTeKHw


Free Web Audio & eBooks

Library card not required for these sites.


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