Online Resources & Homework Help 

Did you know that you have access to reliable, trustworthy databases through your public library -- all for free?  Below you'll find a range of resources that will help you with all sorts of school tasks -- from simple homework assignments, to research papers or even just for your own curiosity.  

Mono County Library Sponsored Resources

You can access these resources using your 14 digit library card number:

KOHA Library Catalog

  • Our online catalog. Sign in to renew materials and place holds - requires you to set up a password with Library Staff in advance.


OVERDRIVE (Library to Go)  

  • Digital audio books & eBooks


Driver Education Program

  • Includes 11 car practice tests, 6 motorcycle practice tests, 3 CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) practice tests, 3 online driver’s manuals (car, motorcycle, CDL), and a FAQ section with detailed answers to 100+ DMV-related questions.



California State Library Digital Resources

Online content from Encyclopaedia Britannica, ProQuest research databases, and Book Connections are available — at school, at home, in libraries, on laptops, on phones — to all.  When accessing from home, you may need to enter either your school provided username and password or your Mono County Library card number. Need help?  Reach out to your Youth Librarian, Carissa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

These three databases are provided for all California students from the California State Library.

Encyclopaedia Britannica (PreK-12)

A comprehensive interactive resource for research and learning for grades K-12. Includes correlations to California Content Standards and other valuable teacher resources. Post links directly to each school level, elementary, middle or high.

Elementary  Middle  High Escolar

Need help from Britannica? See our support page. (800) 621-3900 x 7160 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Book Connections

Personalize and enjoy digital connections to books for kids and teens.



Need help from Book Connections? See our support page. 510-239-7391 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ProQuest (Grades 3-12)

CultureGrams SIRS Discover SIRS Issues Researcher elibrary Guided Research Edition
elibrary Database Edition ProQuest Research Companion Schools and Educators Complete

  • CultureGrams - Concise social, cultural, and political information on countries, U.S. states, and provinces around the world. (Grades 3-12)
  • SIRS Discoverer - A general reference database providing safe, reliable, curriculum-aligned content and features for use by students and educators. (Grades 3-9)
  • SIRS Issues Researcher - Pros and cons on 360+ (and growing) complex social issues with relevant, credible information that tells the whole story on the major questions of the day. (Grades 6+)
    SIRS Issues Researcher Off-Campus Access
  • eLibrary - Guided Research edition delivers one of the largest general reference collections of periodical and digital media content including more than 11,000 Research Topics (Grades 6+)
  • ProQuest Research Companion - a self-guided product that supports information literacy, writing, and research skills instruction.(Grades 8+)
    Research Companion Off-Campus Access
  • Schools & Educators Complete - eBook subscription database of over 13,000 titles that supports English Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, Information Literacy and Technology. (Grades 9+, possibly some content for Middle School, also includes professional development content for faculty)

Need help from ProQuest? See our support page. 800-521-0600 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Brainfuse offers an array of online support, including online tutoring & Hoework Help for students K-12 as well as the JobNow/VetNow services for adults.  You can access these free services, provided by CA State Library, with your Mono County Library Card.  Features include live online assistance, resume lab help, and wide range of academic tools to help students, job seekers and veterans reach their job & career goals.

HelpNow Homework Help

Click here to access Brainfuse HelpNow - Online Tutoring


Click here to access Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow (Library card required, contact your local library or use the contact form on this website for more information on getting a library card.)

Click here to get a Quick-Start and User Guide for JobNow/VetNow.

Click here to watch a brief youtube tutorial for JobNow/VetNow.

FREE Resources

No library card number necessary!

Online Archive of California     

  • The OAC provides free public access to detailed descriptions of primary source collections (artwork, manuscripts, papers, historic photographs, and so on) maintained by more than 200 libraries, special collections, archives, historical societies, and museums throughout California — including collections maintained by the 10 University of California (UC) campuses. The OAC is a core component of the University of California California Digital Library (CDL) and is administered by the Digital Special Collections program.



California Digital Newspaper Collection

  • The California Digital Newspaper Collection contains over 400,000 pages of significant historical California newspapers published from 1846-1922, including the first California newspaper, the Californian, and the first daily California newspaper, the Daily Alta California. It also contains issues of several current California newspapers that are part of a pilot project to preserve and provide access to contemporary papers.


CA Newspaper


  • Calisphere is the University of California free public gateway to a world of primary sources. More than 200,000 digitized items — including photographs, documents, newspaper pages, political cartoons, works of art, diaries, transcribed oral histories, advertising, and other unique cultural artifacts — reveal the diverse history and culture of California and its role in national and world history.


calisphere logo

 Happy researching!

Image 1

Carissa Devine

Youth Program Manager

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


@monolibraries395, for teens and YA


Screen Shot 2023 01 02 at 8.00.50 AM

Use this section to find additional resources for educators. Click Here for Young Adults or here for Children

How can we support you?

Mono County Libraries Youth Program Manager is available to set-up partnerships with local local schools as well as to support local students with after-school programs.  

Library Resources  - A valuable platform for students, teachers and parents that consolidates a wealth of information about children's and young adult titles, authors, author interviews, as well as information for reading assignments and book reports.  As a resident of California, you should have free, direct access to this site. 

Digital databases -- see the Homework Zone page to access the bundle of Proquest databases made available through the CA K-12 Online project, funded in part by the CA State Library.  Some databases require a library card number to access.  Need a library card?  Pass by your local library to get one for free today! 

FREE, online tutoring & homework help -- Brainsfuse Helpnow offers a writing lab, live tutoring, a language lab, a forum to submit any academic questions as well as digital studying tools. Find the link under our Quick Links or on the Homework Zone page on the Programs menu, or click here for direct access. 

School Outreach

Virtual Databases & Library Tours

Looking for some help to introduce your students/teens to research skills? From learning to navigate the CA State Library’s K-12 Online Content (e.g. Proquest & SIRS) to navigating the library for the right type of read, your Youth Librarian is happy to help!  Contact Youth Library Program Manager Carissa Devine (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to schedule a session with your class. 

Youth Librarian Led Sessions for your class:

  • Introduction to Library Resources
  • Navigating Digital Databases
  • How to Find a Good Read


Library Programs: 

Let your students know about the following library programs -- whether they are looking for help with homework, reading aloud or to tinker freely in the Makerspace.  If there is a need for a program that we don't yet offer, don't hesistate to reach out to Youth Program Manager Carissa Devine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Makerspace at the Mammoth Lakes Library
    • Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 2 - 5pm
  • Teen Advisory Boards
    • @ Coleville Libary - monthly meeting on selected Friday afternoons
    • @ Lee Vining Library -- TBD
    • @ MHS -- TBD
  • Mammoth Megaminds at the Mammoth Lakes Library An after school program that provides a safe space for students to work on homework, read with a mentor or play board games.  Teen volunteer Homework Coaches are present.  Interested in volunteering? Contack Carissa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • MUSD minimum days, 1:30 - 3:30
  • iPadPro & Apple Pencil Lending for Teens  Teens can borrow a digital art bundle -- iPad, apple pencil & bluetooth headphones -- that includes apps for creating digital art (Adobe Fresco, Photoshop, Procreate).  Devices must remain in the library. 
    • @Coleville Library -- available whenever the library is open
    • @Lee Vining Library-- available whenever the library is open
    • @Mammoth Lakes Library -- available whenever the library is open
  • Recording Studio
    • @Coleville Library -- available whenever the library is open
    • @Lee Vining Library -- available whenever the library is open 
    • @Mammoth Lakes Library -- TBD



Current Issues

2020 is a year in which a lot of important topics are discussed and decisions made.   The Library encourages you to look beyond television and social media feeds for information on current issues.  Below are book lists with a handful of titles each to spark interest.   Titles are from reputable sources and are by no means exhaustive of the range of materials available.   If you have suggestions for books or topics, please share with your local library!


Staff Recommendations






Mono County has seven library locations, visit their pages via the drop down menu for more detail or use the information below.


25553 Hwy 6 (on the Edna Beaman School campus)



94 N. School Street



111591 Hw 395 (on the Coleville school campus)


Crowley Lake

3627 Crowley Lake Drive


June Lake

90 West Granite Ave.


Lee Vining

51710 Hwy 395


Mammoth Lakes

400 Sierra Park Rd



The Mono County Library System upholds the principals of intellectual freedom and the public’s right to know by providing people of all ages with access to material that reflects a diversity of points of view. This library system affirms its support of the basic library policies defined in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement, and Libraries: an American Value.

Confidentiality of Patron Information

In accordance with California State Law (Gov. code section 6267), all registration and circulation records shall remain confidential.  Records shall be maintained on fines that are unpaid; records shall also be retained for information on the number of times fines or other charges have been excused.

Library records are maintained solely for administrative purposes. They are not to be used to identify the types of materials borrowed by an individual, and library staff will not provide information to a third party about what a patron of the library has borrowed. The library will provide circulation information (printed or verbal) to the concerned library card holder or person authorized in writing by the library card-holder. Information regarding overdue items will be made available to the financially responsible person.

Collection Development Policy

The Mono County Library enhances lives and strengthens our communities by providing free access to information, technology, life-long learning opportunities, social interactions, and cultural enrichment. The Library’s collections strive to support this mission by providing current, relevant, interesting and enduring works of general interest in a variety of formats to the communities served by each of our 7 locations.

Read Full Policy and Request for Reconsideration Form

Donations of Materials

All donations are subject to evaluation by the same criteria as purchased materials. Specific guidelines for donated materials are outlined in Mono County policy 1138A.

Internet Use

Internet service is available at all Mono County Libraries according to established rules and guidelines.

Library Conduct

All patrons have the right to use the library undisturbed and library employees have the right to work without undue interference. Read full policy.

Child Safety

The safety and welfare of children at the Mono County Library System is of up most importance. Read full policy.

Security Cameras

Security Cameras are used to enhance the safety and security of Mono County Library System patrons, staff and property.  Read full policy.


Mammoth Lakes Library   


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