Zip Books are back! 

FREE Tax Help! AARP Volunteers will be available February 3 through April 15.

DID YOU KNOW we offer many more eBooks, Audiobooks, and streaming video for all ages that you can check out from home?  Expore the "ONLINE LIBRARY" menu at the top of this page to see all the online resources you can access for free from home, and check back frequently as we look to add more!

MonoBookBox Spring 2025 Information 

Updated MakerSpace information -- Click this link -- MakerSpace -- Mono County Libraries

Click here to register for Author Talks (and archived talks).


Zip Books can be used for book requests which are funded by a California State Library grant and become part of our collection.


We have lay-person level materials in our law libraries at the Bridgeport and Mammoth Lakes Branches. Check with your library staff on how to use the books and online resources.  See the Law Library section under the "Programs" tab above.


We are happy to assist you with reference questions to the degree that the information in our collection allows.


The Mono County Library System offers several types of library cards. Permanent cards are offered to residents of one year (or more) of Mono County, persons who own property, are employed by Mono County, or who have students enrolled in a Mono County school. We also offer these cards to holders of Mountain Valley area library cards. Temporary cards are offered to new residents of the county upon completion of necessary paperwork. Visitors may obtain a visitor’s card when they provide us with their home library card. Read More...


ADULT: Books, Books on Tape, Books on CD - 14 days, renewable

ADULT: Magazines - 7 days, renewable

ALL DVD Movies - 7 days, not renewable

YOUTH: Books, Books on Tape, Books on CD - 14 days, renewable

YOUTH: Magazines - 7 days, renewable


All branches in the Mono County Library System provide access to the internet and word processing. Research may be done at no charge.  In all branches, copies made from computer-printers are $.10/page, $.05/page for Friends of the Library members.


Photocopies may be made at any Mono County Library for a fee.  For current Friends of the Library members the fee is $.05/page and $.10/page for all others. Some branches offer duplex printing at $.20 per page.


Library staff can scan and email PDF documents to an email account for $1.00 per page.


The Library does not provide faxing service at any of our locations.  However there are online web-based fax service providers that will take a scan or file upload and convert it into a fax delivery on your behalf.  While some provide a level of free service, these are largely providers that charge fror this service.  Below is a select list of online faxing resources.  You can access these from your device or computer as well as public library computers or library laptops.  The Library does not recommend any of these over the others, nor is it liable for your transaction with their service:


Typewriters are available for use at Brideport, Lee Vining, Mammoth Lakes and Benton branches at no charge.

The Friends of the Library groups for three branch libraries are exhibiting art work by local, up-and-coming artist within their branches. These Gallery Walls offer the opportunity for the artists to place their work for public view and sale, and the Friends receive a portion of the proceeds of any sale.


The Law Library Collections in the Mammoth Lakes and Bridgeport public libraries contain materials for use by the public, for free, to assist in researching common legal questions or issues.  Many of the materials are available to check out with your Mono County library card.   Library staff can help you locate and navigate materials and refer you to additional legal resources and experts.  Library staff cannot provide legal advice or comments on specific scenarios or laws.    


The Superior Court of Mono County website contains information about the county court system, as well as numerous resources including:


Local ordinances can be found at these links:


The nearest California Tribal Court is the Bishop Paiute Tribal Court.

NEW! Eastern Sierra residents facing eviction or homelessness can get free legal assistance under the Remote Housing Assistance Program coordinated by the local California Indian Legal Services team.  This assistance is not limited to tribal members and is available to residents of Mono, Inyo and Alpine Counties via their office in Bishop or via any of their remote video link workstations.  Mono County stations can be found at Bridgeport and Walker Social Services Offices, Lee Vining Library,  and the Mammoth Lakes Housing office in Mammoth Lakes. Watch this 3 minute video to learn more or follow this link for specific contact details:

Findlaw's directory of lawyers serving Mono County.

NEW!  EBSCO's Legal Information Reference Center contains full-text e-books to help you navigate everyday legal issues from home/work/school.  All you need is a valid Mono County Library card to use these books for free!  Many of the titles are the digital versions of the same Nolo Press books we have in our print Mammoth Lakes and Bridgeport collections.  Please contact your local Mono County Library branch location to get a library card.



Additional information about common legal topics, the California court system, and programs administered by the California Judicial Branch can be found on the California Courts website, including additional Self-Help categories in English and Spanish, and free online legal forms, many available in Spanish.

The State Bar of California provides many resources for the public, including lawyer referral services, legal resources relating to immigration, and information for finding free legal help.

California's county public law libraries have created an online service that lets you chat live with a law librarian. The librarian can suggest or guide you to free online legal resources, recommend books and research techniques, and answer factual questions. Law librarians CANNOT interpret the law or give legal advice. Use the online Ask a Law Librarian service for research advice.   

Online video tutorials on basic legal research issues are available for viewing for free from these resources: features Black's Law Dictionary Free Online Legal Dictionary 2nd Edition.  Black's Law Dictionary is the leading law dictionary in the United States.

FindLaw has a number of basic legal resources free for the public to use.




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Thanks to the California State Library, we able to continue requesting books through the Zipbook program. The Zipbook program is grant funded purchasing through

Registered patrons in good standing may request tangible books or audiobooks (no e-books). Requested items will be shipped directly to you from When you are done with the book, please return it to your local branch through the book drop!

There is a two-tier expenditure cap of $75 pre-tax for audiobooks and foreign-language books, and $50 pre-tax for all other books. You may order 1 item at any one time with a limit of 1 order per month.   DVDs, Music CDs, e-Books, e-Audiobooks and other non-book materials are not eligible for this program.

When submitting a request, you must include a valid Amazon mailing address:

    • If you have home USPS delivery: land address
    • If you do NOT have USPS delivery: land address AND PO Box
    • Phone number

To make a request through Zipbooks please send the link for a qualifying item on and your valid Amazon mailing address to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Please carefully and completely include the following for your request to be processed:

    • Amazon link to the book
    • Title & Author
    • Your name
    • Your email
    • Your telephone
    • Your library card #
    • Your full address (please include BOTH the land address and PO Box if you do not have USPS delivery)


You must return the book to your nearest Mono County Library when you are finished reading it.  Lost or damaged Zip Books will incur a replacement fee similar to other library books.


Use this section to find additional resources for Children and links to external websites and recommended reading lists. Click Here for Young Adults.

New at the Library

We are excited to share we now offer access to for our parents, teachers, and young people. Use your Mono County library card to log in and find information on children's and young adult titles, authors, program ideas, as well as information for reading assignments and book reports.

Library Programs:

 Youth Programming Newsletter - Quarterly - Coming Soon


ABCMouse - Early Learning Resource you can use at the library for free, or sign up for at home account (monthly subscription cost).

Raising A Reader- Our early literacy outreach program for pre-school age children. 

Reading & Book Sites for Children

Award Winners 

Reading list & Recommended Reading Sites 

Children Book Podcasts: 


Recommended New Children's Books at Mammoth Lakes Library -- Summer 2019:

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