Internet Use Rules and Guidelines
The Internet links this computer with information resources around the world. The Mono County Library computers are available to all library patrons. In defining the Internet’s resources as an extension of the library, we subscribe to the Library Bill of Rights, which states that "A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background or views."
The library staff does not monitor the information obtained on these computers. It is the responsibility of parents to monitor the computer use of their minor children.
Library Internet users are expected to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner, in accordance with the following rules for Internet use at this library, the missions and purposes of the other networks they use on the Internet, and the laws of California and the United States.
Access to the Mono County Internet workstations is a privilege offered to any library user who follows these rules:
Computer time is on a first come first served basis. All users agree to pay any charges prior to leaving the library. Time limits may apply. .
In some libraries within our county, there may be a charge for word processing or email access. Internet research is free in all locations. For all computer services, there is a cost of $.10 per sheet for printing.
The Internet may not be used for Internet Relay Chat (IRC), chat rooms, listserv, bulletin board service, or to play games.
The user will not "bookmark" sites to the library’s computer. You may save a bookmark file on your own diskette and use this during your library session.
The Internet user is held responsible for his or her own actions and activities on the Internet. Unacceptable uses of the network will result in the suspension or revoking of these privileges.
Vandalism will result in the cancelation of all computer privileges. Vandalism includes transferring, downloading, uploading files or computer viruses. Vandalism also includes creating computer viruses and/or taking any malicious action to attempt to harm or destroy the property or school/library materials or the data of another user.
The Mono County Library is a participant in the InfoPeople Project, which provides points of public access to the Internet at public library sites throughout California. InfoPeople is supported by a Federal Library Services and Construction Act grant administered in California by the California State Librarian. For more information, access the Infopeople homepage at
All computers have been provided through funds donated by the Mono County Friends of the Library, through the Gates Foundation, through the California State Library, or by the Mono County Office of Education/Library. We reserve the right to revoke computer privileges for unacceptable use as defined above.
Implied consent and waiver:
I agree to abide by the rules and guidelines specified herein. In addition, I realize that the Mono County Library does not have control of the information on the Internet. Sites accessible via the Internet may contain material that is illegal, defamatory, inaccurate or potentially offensive to some people. I recognize that the Library’s intent is to make Internet access available to further educational goals and objectives, but that it does not monitor the information of any Internet patron while using the computer.
The specific conditions and services being offered will change from time to time. I will be responsible for any charges, fines or fees incurred as the result of using the Library’s Internet service. I accept responsibility for using this equipment in the manner outlined above.
The Mono County Library makes no warranties with respect to Internet service, and it specifically assumes no responsibility for:
The content or any advice or information received by an Internet user from a source outside Mono County, or any costs or charges incurred as a result of seeing or accepting such advice or information;
Any costs, liability, or damages caused by the way the Internet user chooses to use his or her access to the Internet;
Any consequences of service interruptions or changes even if these disruptions arise from circumstances under the control of a Mono County Branch Library.
Some Internet stations within the County have been provided by a grant from the California State Library.