Mission Statement

The Mono County Library enhances lives and strengthens our communities by providing free access to information, technology, life-long learning opportunities, social interactions, and cultural enrichment.   

Public library service began in Mono County in 1947, provided under contract by Inyo County.  This changed when the Mono County Free Library was established in 1965 as a joint school-community library system. The library is operated by the Mono County Office of Education under the direction of the Mono County Superintendent of Schools and the Mono County Library Authority Board.  The administrative offices are located in the Mammoth Lakes Branch at 400 Sierra Park Rd, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546.

The Library is comprised of 7 free public library branches serving all county residents and visitors from locations in Coleville, Bridgeport, Lee Vining, June Lake, Mammoth Lakes, Crowley Lake, and Benton. See information on individual locations from the Branches tab. Each location offers collections for all ages, computers for accessing digital resources and the internet, laptops for inhouse use, local interest collections, public programs & maker activities (see local calendars), and free wi-fi. Mono County Library library cards are available to residents and visitors and allow borrowing of circulating books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, E-books, E-Magazines and laptops for onsite use. Registered borrowers may request items be sent between branches for local pickup (allow plenty of time). Library cards are not required for onsite use of collections, public computers or attending public programs.

Individual libraries are supported by local Friends of the Library groups. We encourage participation and membership for those interested.

The Library welcomes volunteers, find more information and the application here


Mono County Office of Education

The Mono County Office is Education strives to be, first and foremost, an agency of service. In addition to operating Mono County's Alternative Education programs, MCOE works closely with the two school districts to help support them by providing staff development and support as needed. The Mono County Office of Education is also the only county in the state of California that operates all of the county's public libraries. There are seven library branches serving each of the communities in Mono County and MCOE is very proud of each one.

The Board of Trustees also acts as the Library Authority Board for all branch libraries.


For a Permanent Mono County Library Card you need one of the following:

  • California driver’s license or certificate of renewal with current Mono County address printed on the front.
  • California I.D. card with current Mono County address printed on front.
  • Mono County student identification card or proof of registration in any Mono County School.

Or, If you have one of the following 4 items:

    • Out of state driver’s license with current address on front.
    • Valid Passport (U.S. or foreign)
    • Valid alien registration card.
    • Government issued I.D. card showing current Mono County address.

Then you must have one of the following 6 items:

    • Utility bill or other billing statement issued within the last 60 days showing current Mono County address.
    • Current pay stub, imprinted with company name, issued within the last 60 days and showing applicant’s name and Mono County address.
    • Personal check with name and current Mono County address of applicant.
    • Rent receipt, Bank statement, or self-addressed postcard mailed by the library and returned by the applicant with a Mono County address.
    • Valid vehicle registration issued to applicant showing current Mono County address
    • Proof of property ownership in Mono County.

 Seasonal Employees that do not have a post office box need all of the following:

  • Current Driver’s license with photo and permanent address.
  • E-mail address
  • Local or cell phone number and local physical address.

Visitor’s Cards

  • We accept a home library card (to be retained on file at the library) plus photo I.D. Visitor's cards are valid for 1 month.

Cards for Minors (under 18)

  • We require a parent or guardian to provide the above information and signature for anyone under 18.

Policy and Procedures Manual AR 1138

Mono County Board of Education Gift Library Materials


  1. Library materials include but are not limited to hardback and paperback books, microforms, pamphlets, brochures, magazines, recordings, films, filmstrips, cassettes, etc.
  2. Library materials also include paintings, sculptures, mounted specimen, artifacts, etc.
  1. The President of the Mono County Friends of the Library shall be a regular member of the committee.
  2. The materials must be an outright gift.
  3. Materials not useful to one branch may be disposed if by the Friends of the Library or returned to the donor if so stipulated at the time the gift is made.
  4. Materials not useful to one branch may be transferred to another branch or donated to local institutions such as hospitals, youth camps, jails, etc.
  1. All library gift materials for the Mono County Library System be deposited with the local chapter of the Friends of the Library or the Mono County Chapter of the Friends of the Library.
  2. Title to all materials shall remain with the Friends of the Library until materials are transferred to the Mono County Library System, or otherwise disposed of.
  3. The Friends of the Library shall provide each donor with a letter acknowledging the number and type of items given to them for the library. The letter shall be prepared according to the Internal Revenue Service specifications.
  4. Records shall be maintained of the number and types of gift library materials for which no donor is identified.
  1. The local branch librarian, or librarian in charge, shall evaluate the gift materials and, with the approval of the county librarian, select those materials suitable for addition to the branch library collection.
  2. The county librarian shall evaluate the balance of the materials, and with the assistance of the branch librarians, select materials suitable for other branch libraries.
  3. Paperback books shall be evaluated and selected by the branch librarians for addition to their “Bring One, Take One” collections.
  4. All materials not added to the county library system shall be sold, or otherwise disposed of by the Friends of the Library.

Lists of gift library materials to be cataloged and added to the Mono County Library System shall be prepared and presented to the Mono County Library Authority for approval.

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